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the farm

Kereru Farm is a fourth generation sheep and beef farm located 35km east of Dannevirke in Weber, a small settlement in the Tararua District, North Island, New Zealand.

We farm because we love it, and we invite you to take a pictorial stroll through our beautiful, rugged and real farm.

We hope to share with you some insight into day to day New Zealand farming through video blogs and images.


Our offerings

Alongside our sheep and beef operation, we run a small natives nursery growing some of New Zealand’s most loved native trees & flaxes.

We have a ‘thing’ for indoor plants and offer a selection of hand picked and carefully sourced indoor plants, products and advice.

As they become available we also have a beautiful range of wooden Mark Dimock carved birds, animal hides and more. The raw materials used to create these items all come from the farm, and will be crafted by talented local artisans.