Welcome To kereru farm weber

Sheep & Beef Farm, native & indoor plants,

beautiful goods

Kereru Farm Weber is a fourth generation sheep and beef farm in Weber, New Zealand.

We produce high quality meat, wool & honey and we are now excited to offer up a range of New Zealand natives, indoor plants & ‘Goods’ which currently include animal hides, wooden art & books.

We grow our own range of natives, many of which will be used on our property and then become available for sale. We are currently growing Flax, Cabbage Tree, Carex, Ake Ake, Toe Toe, red & white Kaka Beak & Koromiko. We are also passionate about growing some of our favourite native trees like Rimu, Kahikatea, Kowhai, Lancewood and Totara, Our range will grow as we do.’

Consider us your personal indoor plant shopper! We source indoors from all over and love finding exactly what you are looking for to ‘green up your space’. Our Facebook & Instagram pages are full of inspiration & options.

Kereru Goods is the newest part of our business. As they become available we will be adding an exquisite selection of wooden goods, animal hides, art and other one off items using materials sourced on farm and then crafted into beautiful offerings by talented local artisans.

Head to the ‘Goods’ section of the website to see what is currently available.